Hearing loss and suprathreshold deficits

This project investigates sensorineural hearing loss, which primarily involves a decrease in auditory sensitivity where sounds become less audible or even inaudible. While hearing aids can amplify sounds to compensate for this loss of sensitivity, they may not fully restore normal hearing perception, particularly in noisy environments. This is because sensorineural hearing loss can also involve other deficits beyond just reduced sensitivity, known as suprathreshold deficits, which cannot be detected through standard hearing tests.

In this project we explore the prevalence and mechanisms of suprathreshold deficits, with the long-term goal of making hearing aids more effective.

Administrative details

Collaborators: Sarah Attia, Christian Lorenzi, Christine Petit


Collaboration with Starkey Hearing Technologies (2018-2019)

Collaboration with Audika France (2023-2024)

Selected publications and presentations:


Varnet, L., Léger, A. C., Boucher, S., Bonnet, C., Petit, C., Lorenzi, C. (2021) Contributions of Age-Related and Audibility-Related Deficits to Aided Consonant Identification in Presbycusis: A Causal-Inference Analysis. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13, pp.640522. ⟨10.3389/fnagi.2021.640522⟩ (article)

Varnet, L., Langlet, C., Lorenzi, C., Lazard, D. S., Micheyl, C. (2019) High-Frequency Sensorineural Hearing Loss Alters Cue-Weighting Strategies for Discriminating Stop Consonants in Noise. Trends in Hearing, 2019, 23. ⟨10.1177/2331216519886707⟩ (article)

Presentation to the Hearing Institute (2021, Paris): « New methodologies for studying listening strategies in phoneme categorization tasks » (slides)


Présentation à la Journée Nationale de l’Audition (2021, Paris) « L’audioprothèse parfaite existe-t-elle ? » (slides)

Sur ce blog :

Podcast « audition et création »

Âge et pertes d’intelligibilité chez les personnes presbyacousiques appareillées – Retour sur le projet Genopath

Pertes de sensibilité auditive et pertes supraliminaires : pourquoi l’audioprothèse parfaite n’existe pas.

Rôle des indices acoustiques dans la compréhension de la parole chez les individus normoentendants et malentendants